You are welcome to join the group breathwork sessions every Friday 6 – 8.30 PM at Elujõusaal, Kaluri tee 5, Viimsi, 40 eur per meeting.

You are welcome to join the weekly Sivananda yoga classes

Monday and Wednesday 6PM to 7.30PM at Viimsi, Elujõusaal, Kaluri tee 5. The fee is €15/class, €50/4 classes

Šivananda jooga on iidsed joogaõpetused

Private yoga classes, consultations

In a private yoga class you’ll have the full attention of the instructor, focusing on the asanas/postures and practices that are necessary for physical and mental healing, increasing vitality. You’ll also receive useful information for your daily personal practice.

All the practices are from Sivananda yoga lineage. Read more about Sivananda yoga: Sivananda yoga organisation

Choose from or combine asana practice, pranayama practice, personal meditation or yoga nidra practice.

A private yoga class is 1,5 to 2 hours and the fee is €80.

Vabastav hingamine avardab piire ja loob vabaduse nii füüsiliselt kui vaimselt

Private Liberation Breathing® sessions

Liberation Breathing® is a conscious connected breathing process that restores your mind and body to health and wellness.

The foundation for Liberation Breathing® is Rebirthing/Breathwork. Learn more about the practice and the teachers

A private Liberation Breathing session is 2,5 hours, the fee is €120 and €150 when done in the warm bathtub.

The private classes and sessions are held through Zoom or in Estonia, Kaluri tee 5, Elujõusaal

About Me
I took my first yoga class on 2007. Since then I have both self-taught and studied under various teachers of yoga, tantric secrets, rebirthing and holistic therapy, traveling to ashrams in India, Bali and the Bahamas to further my knowledge and deepen my understanding, with the aim of teaching and helping others. I have also practiced 5 rhythm dance, the Journey and numerous other meditation techniques. I have concluded a year of daily practice in a course in miracles.

I choose to gather information from various spiritual teachings, to see the deeper truth in all of them, so that I may grow to become an adviser for those who wish to walk the same path.

My own personal yoga path started with the practice of both Ashtanga yoga and Kundalini yoga, before I discovered Hatha yoga for myself. From that point on I started to understand, by experience, the true nature of yoga, its healing effects and its feel and influence on more subtle levels.

At the end of 2011, I spent a life-changing time in the Kundalini-Tantra Yoga Ashram in Bali, where I grew to be a yoga teacher inside. I then undertook a teacher-training course in the Sivananda Yoga Ashram, in the Bahamas. I was initiated to be a Sivananda yoga teacher in 2012. In 2018 I received my Adwanced Yoga Teacher Training diploma.

I met my teacher in breathwork, Sondra Ray, in 2011. Sondra Ray who is a pioneer of rebirthing has taken me to most amazing places in the world together with her husband Markus Ray to practice Liberation Breathing®. Liberation Breathing® is an advanced rebirthing that is developed by Sondra Ray in the guidance of Divine Mother herself. In 2011 I went with the teachers to Iceland where we had the breathing sessions in dermal waters. 2013 was the first time I participated Sondra Ray’s India Quest that took me to Maha Avatar Babaji’s ashram, home of the master the rebirthing comes from. I have been to Herakhan, Babaji’s ashram, every year since then. There is a lot of light to absorb and bring back home. The India Quest 2017 Sondra and Markus Ray initiated me to be a Liberation Breathing® practitioner.

Currently I am studying to be a Holistic Therapist in the Holistic Therapy Institute, Estonia.

My wish is to connect people to their inner light and higher consciousness, through which deep inner peace and joy emerges.

Contact me
For more information please email, or follow on Facebook for the latest news on yoga classes and courses.