Pille Tali Yoga Facebookis
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Tagasiside hingamisõpetajatelt Sondra ja Markus Ray
"We would like to say something about Pille Tali from Estonia. She is our organizer in Estonia, but much more. We are always inspired by her commitment to her spiritual development. She has been to Herakhan 6 times and done the mundun (head shave) twice and kept it for 9 months the second time. She has studied ACIM since we met her 2011. She has raised a child pretty much by herself (single mother) and maintained being self-employed. She keeps her life simple, very orderly, and this enables her to be very DEEP as a human being. She is one of only 7 Certified Liberation Breathing practitioners in the world, who we fully entrust with the Divine Mother's process. She serves the Estonian community with her wisdom and dedication, practices LB, teaches yoga, and is a real estate agent and a kite surfer. She gets rebirthed frequently herself, and is always discovering something NEW about her own case; therefore, she sees other people's cases quite clearly, and helps them to get through them quicker. She is a determined person. We are honored and inspired to work with her. Bole Baba Ki JAI !!!"